Find Out More About Play and
Movement Based Learning
01 QUT & Charles Sturt University
"The State of Play"
THIS ARTICLE PROVIDES AN overview of the Education Meets Play study that will investigate early childhood educators' use of play-based learning, now mandatory under the National Quality Standard. By building on what can be gleaned about educators' approaches to play-based learning prior to the implementation of the Early Years Learning Framework, the study w ill contribute to the evidence base concerning the implementation and effects of Australia's early childhood education and care policy reform initiatives.
02 Harvard Graduate school of Education
Project Zero
Play is central to how children learn—the way they form and explore friendships, the way they shape and test hypotheses, and the way they make sense of their world. Much is known about how play supports learning, yet little empirical research has explored what it might mean to put play at the center of formal schooling
03 Unicef
Learning through Play
The global momentum of strengthening learning through play in early childhood education programmers. The importance of early learning is entrenched in the second target of Sustainable Development Goal 4, which seeks to ensure that, by 2030, “all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education”
04 University of Cambridge
PEDAL (Play in Education Development & Learning
A key aim of the PEDAL Hub is to bring play research and ideas to families, schools, charities, researchers, policy makers, and play enthusiasts! To quickly find articles, videos or other resources relevant to your areas of interest, you may want to take a look at our searchable Resource Library.
04 Harvard University
A Pedagogy of Play
The ideas in this book are based on the literature about learning and play, insights from educators and researchers around the globe, and collaborative research conducted with teachers and school leaders in Denmark, South Africa, the U.S., and Colombia. In Denmark.
06 University of Oxford
What is Play
Play! Psychologists, play scholars and educators have been researching and theorising about play and its role in development for well over a century and, while there is a shared consensus that play has a positive eect on children’s overall development and learning, play has proved to be extremely dicult to define. In this textbook we will explore play and its pivotal role within early childhood
07 Finnish National Agency for Education
The Essence of Play
Play and playful learning have been in media for past decade as an example of the excellence of Finnish early childhood education and as a notion of the nature of Nordic education.
08 International School of Billund
Play is the Hart of Education
Much is known about the importance of play in children’s development, yet little research has explored what it might mean to put play at the heart of schooling. In 2015, the Pedagogy of Play (PoP) research project began exploring just that.